The Black Stone

Introduction Life Time


Algabra / (How's It Bra = Afrikaans (Small Thing Lead People Astray = YOU Don't Know What YOU SPEAK INTO Existance - Action)(Resolution = DA (One Sound = Cast Down)Don't Say You Smited A Demon = Just Taught A Lesson = Now YOU SEE Father - For That WAS You Once) = Not African / Not QUR-AN) = - / + = QUR-AN = Proccess - Math A-B-C

QUR-AN = RA (Not Letter Symbol) = Proccess = (WE All Know Each Other)

Liqueir / Liqueur / Liqueor

Now Watch Their Face & The Meaning Changes = Don't Kill This Child

The Face Reveals Another Word = Proccess = Don't Look For Them

Solomon The Wise's / Helping Hand = The Stone In Hand

The Symbol Of Center Energy